School Physical Accessibility Audit Checklist


a) Does the school have clearly identified disabled parking spots near main entrance? (3.7m x 2.4m OR 12' x 8')
b) Is there a curb ramp from the parking spot/lot onto the sidewalk?
c) Are there no obstructions blocking the outside gate/entrance/exit? (e.g., parked vehicles, manholes, plants, garbage bins)
d) Is the approach to the school well maintained with a level surface? Is paving flush with no cracks or gaps that could trap wheels of a wheelchair, walker, or stroller?
e) Is the approach wide enough? If a route or pathway is narrow, is there a suitable passing place for wheelchair uses? Is plantation trimmed back and are low branches avoided?
f) Is there accessible parking near gym entrance and track/playing fields?
g) Does the main entrance have a functioning/operational automatic door opener?
h) Is the entry free from hazardous building features such as outward opening doors, windows, or overhangs?
i) Do columns or structural posts have marking at two heights for vision considerations?
j) If you have entrance stairs, do they have tactile warning strips?
k) Is the entrance well-lit at night?
l) Are edges of carpets or mats securely attached to minimize tripping hazards?
m) Can people on each side of the door, see each other and be seen? If the entrance is solid, is this due to security concerns?
n) Are door handles clearly located, easy to use and grip?
o) Are there pairs of doors and automatic door openers with self-closing time delay mechanisms (minimum 5 seconds)?
p) Are all doors at least 900 mm (3 feet) wide?
q) Do all doors operate with a minimum amount of strength or pressure of 22 N?


a) Are all classrooms with outside access, accessible with a ramp?
b) Is the slope of the ramp 10/8.33% or 1:10/1:12?
c) Is there a ramp next to the stairs?
d) Is the location of the ramp clearly identifiable with a sign?
e) Is there colour contrast to the surface of the ramp for vision considerations?
f) Is the width of the ramp a minimum of 1.2 metres?
g) Are there continuous handrails on both sides, at a height of 0.76 - 0.9 metres from the floor?
h) Is the surface of the ramp anti-slip/matte finish?
i) Is there an edge protection on both sides of the ramp to prevent wheelchairs from falling off?


a) Is the location of the stairs easily identifiable with a sign?
b) Are there continuous handrails on both sides, at a height of 0.76 - 0.9 metres from the floor?
c) Are the handrails painted in colours contrasting with the wall colour to be easily identifiable by persons with vision considerations?
d) Are the step edges of a different colour or texture to be easily identifiable by persons with visual considerations?
e) Is the location of emergency (fire escape) stairs clearly identifiable with a sign?
f) There are no open gaps in-between the step risers?
g) Are the stairs and landings well-lit and free of obstructions?
h) Is there emergency evacuation equipment at the top of each stairway (plans based on student specific needs)?
i) Steps do not have nosings (an extension of the step for beautification)? If there are nosings, are they readily identified and painted? Is the paint still durable with no wear and tear?


a) Is the minimum unobstructed width of corridors at least 1.2 metres?
b) There are no objects protruding more than 0.1 metres from the walls in the corridors?
c) Are all key facilities with the school accessible for all users? E.g., gym, music room, change room, weight room multipurpose room, etc.
d) Are all overhead hanging obstructions at least 2.2 metres from the floor, giving head clearance?
e) Are floor surfaces suitable for passage of wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers? Junctions between floor surfaces joined to allow smooth travel?
f) Are floor surfaces slip-resistant? Neutral colours and patterns? (No bright or bold patterns, or busy distracting walls)


a) Is the reception desk/check-out counter in clear view of entrance doors?
b) Can admin support staff see visitors and provide assistance if necessary?
c) Reception/deck/counter suitable for approach and use from both sides by people either standing or sitting?
d) Is there a colour contrast to the flooring in front of the reception desk and are edges highlighted?
e) Are frequently accessed items at an easy to reach height on shelves?
f) If there is plexiglass at the counter, or the use of masks/face coverings, is there an alternative way of communication? E.g., a white board, or pen and paper to exchange information?
g) Is there a calming space or sensory retreat room to provide a safe space to manage sensory overload?


a) Are they distinguishable from surroundings?
b) Glass Door: is it clearly visible when closed? Are visibility markings on the glass suitably colour contrasted against the background?
c) Can people on each side of the door, either standing or seated, see each other and be seen? Are vision panels kept clear of temporary notices? (For an example: classroom entrances).
d) Are doors light enough to open easily?
e) On the pull side of doors, next to the handle, is there at least 0.46 metres (18 in) of clear wall space so that a person using a wheelchair can get near to the open door?
f) Are door handles no more than 1.2 metres from the floor and operable with a closed fist?


a) Upon entering the reception area, are signs designed and located to convey information to visitors with vision considerations and wheelchair users with lower eye levels?
b) Is there signage indicating the floor level on each floor?
c) Is there signage indicating the locations of classrooms and other school facilities?
d) Are all signs in braille, text and pictograms/visuals?
e) Are there signs for accessible bathrooms?


a) Are classrooms lights in good working order? (i.e., no flickering or burned-out bulbs). Are blinds available to control the natural day lighting? Is glare avoided (can hinder attempts by people who read lips to communicate)?
b) Are quiet and noisy areas separated by a buffer zone? Environment free for unnecessary obtrusive noise (e.g., heating units)?
c) Is there transitional lighting? Is the entrance lobby and reception area well illuminated?
d) Is there music playing? Is it low enough so that conversations can be heard clearly?


a) Is there an accessible washroom with sufficient wheelchair or walker maneuvering space of 1.5 metres x 0.15 metres around the toilet and washbasins?
b) Is the wash basin top edge between 0.7 metres and 0.8 metres from the floor? Is it accessible to someone using a wheelchair?
c) Can someone using a wheelchair or scooter reach the faucets and turn on the water using one hand?
d) Are there transfer grab bars near the toilet?
e) Are lever style taps on sinks (to aid people)?
f) Is the toilet equipped with an emergency alarm system, or cord alarm?
g) Where there are shower facilities, is a grab rail provided? Is there a level access shower for people with disabilities? Is there a seat available?
h) Can the doors be locked from the inside and unlocked from outside in an emergency?
i) Are washroom doors equipped with an automatic or push-button opener?
j) Does the toilet door open outwards?
k) Are the soap dispensers automatic or easy to use?
l) Is the travel distance to a suitable washroom no greater than that for general washrooms?
m) Are hand dryers/paper towel dispensers in easy reach of a person in a wheelchair?
n) Are hand dryers under 85 decibels (dBs)? Is there an option to use paper towel?
o) Is a ceiling track lift available for students weighing over 35 lbs. that require a lift for transfers?
p) Is a height adjustable change table available for students requiring assistance with personal care?


a) Is the area for drinking water well maintained with a level surface (i.e., there are no steps)?
b) Is there an accessible drinking water unit available with one tap at a height of 0.4 metres from the floor?
c) Do the taps have lever type handles?
d) Is the water drainage clear (no water clogging around the drinking water unit)?
e) Is there a basin provided so that tap water does not spill over on children’s mobility aids?


a) Are seats provided at intervals along long internal routes or where waiting is likely?
b) Are chairs with armrests provided within the staff room and other key locations such as meeting areas?
c) Are several chairs with armrests available within each classroom?
d) Is there a dropped counter and an induction loop (for students with hearing loss) available for the library counter?
e) Are the lower edges of black or white boards no more than 0.5 metres from the floor so that children using wheelchairs can access them?
f) Where there are IT facilities, are height adjustable computer desks available?
g) Are there height adjustable desks available for students who are wheelchair users?
h) Is the main auditorium stage accessible for wheelchair users? For example, a student receiving an award at an assembly?
i) Are there accessible viewing positions of not less than 900 mm (3 feet) wide and 1500 mm (5 feet) long to permit wheelchairs to enter from a side approach?
j) Does the auditorium have audio induction loop or FM receivers?
k) Is the playground level?
l) Is the playground surface accessible for wheelchair users?
m) Is there playground equipment available which provides meaningful access for inclusion?
n) Does the playground have a paved pathway with a minimum width of 1.8 metres, which can be used as a track by wheelchair/crutch/walker users?


a) Are emergency exits clearly marked with directional arrows?
b) Are there both audio and visual emergency alarms in all areas?
c) Are ground floor exit routes accessible to all, including wheelchair users?
d) Are vertical escapes from upper to lower floors possible using an EVAC chair, or in a fire-protected lift with an independent power supply? Are applicable staff trained on how to use an EVAC chair?
e) Is there a suitable refuge area for people unable to leave the building? (E.g., stairwell behind fire safe doors)
f) Is there an emergency plan in place for each student with mobility considerations? Are applicable staff trained on transfers/lifts if part of the emergency plan?
g) Are external routes; including steps and ramps, kept clean, unobstructed, and free from surface water, snow, and ice?
h) Accessible parking: Are there designated spaces not used by non-disabled drivers and kept free from obstructions?


a) Do the classrooms have adequate space for wheelchair or walker maneuvering?
b) Are there larger work areas or adapted workspaces for students as needed?
c) Is there adequate space so that support staff can carry out their classroom duties?
d) Is there space for storage of specialized equipment which may be needed?
e) Is there a private space for support services such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and medical or personal hygiene procedures?
f) Is there an emergency plan in place for each student with mobility considerations? Are applicable staff trained on transfers/lifts if part of the emergency plan?
g) Is there a private space for counselling services that is large enough for group counselling sessions? Is there space for storage of confidential records?
h) Are there functional spaces for private meetings that are centrally located and separate from the staff room?
i) Are there private spaces available for regular teacher collaboration and planning?
j) Is there sound proofing of surfaces with carpeting and other acoustical materials to reduce noise confusion for students who have difficulties with auditory comprehension (e.g., students who are deaf or hard of hearing, students with learning disabilities, auditory sensitivity, or attention deficits?
k) Are sound producing equipment and spaces for noisy educational activities such as shops and music rooms in areas away from classroom spaces?
l) Are materials used in construction and decoration the most advantageous for students who are particularly sensitive to certain environmental conditions (smell, texture, lighting)?