Group Registered Retirement Plan


Enrolment Guide
Enrolment Guide
This enrolment guide provides you with information to help you understand what your plan offers and how you can play an active role in

preparing and investing in your own retirement.  It will include:

  • where you can get more information on your plan
  • steps on how to calculate how much you need
  • what your investment options are
  • how to select your investments; and
  • the applications you would need to complete to enroll into the plan.You can also preview the online services and information on GRS Access at before you join your plan, by using this guest Access ID:Access ID:  ARCHDIOCESE

    Password:  Archdiocese_123

    Attach – Soft Copy enrolment guide 

    Individual applications are found in the respective plan sections on this page.

    – Registered Pension Plan Application (RPP)

    – Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) & Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Registered Pension Plan (RPP) Forms

Application for membership in Registered Pension Plan
This form is to be completed by new employees and existing employees wanting to join the Archdiocese of Vancouver/CISVA, Registered Pension Plan. Please note that if you are designating a minor, then Section 4 must be completed as well.

Application for Increase to Pension Contribution

This form is used to verify the eligibility of the employee who is applying for the 8.0% or 9.0% (pension) contribution tier. Eligibility to contribute at a higher pension tier is based on years of service to the RCAV/CISVA. Please note that this is not the same as years of experience. Years of service to CISVA = the number of years an employee has worked for the CISVA, regardless of your service being provided on a full-time or part-time basis. Effective September 1, 2017, years worked as a teachers/principals teaching outside the CISVA will count towards years of service in the CISVA.

Change in Pension Beneficiary

There is no limit as to the number of times which you may change your beneficiary designation. Please note that claims will be paid based on the most current and signed document on file as previously provided by the employee.

Change of Investment

There is no limit as to the number of times which you may change the investments as contributed by the employee?

Change in personal information

This form is used when a plan member is changing their add

Pension - Notice of death claim form

In the occasion that a member of the Archdiocese of Vancouver/CISVA Registered Pension Plan dies, the attached document must be completed by the beneficiary and sent directly to the Benefits Administration Office.There are additional documents that need to accompany this attachment. Therefore, do not forward this claim directly to Great-West life, Group Retirement Services as indicated at the top of the claim form. Once this step has been completed, Great-West life, Group Retirement Services will contact the beneficiary to provide a summary of available options.

Marriage Breakdown
What is Form 1?
The Form 1 – Claim of Spouse to Interest in Member’s Pension, of the Family Relations Act, is completed by an ex-spouse to inform the Plan that she/he has claim of interest in a member’s account. Once the Plan receives this notice, the Plan is under an obligation to:

Please note no funds are transferred upon receipt of Form 1.

When can funds be split?
The following forms must be completed and presented to the Benefits Administration Office (BAO) before any payment will be made:

  • Court Order or Separation Agreement. The order or agreement should direct the Plan member to make payments naming the eligible former spouse and indicating the amount to be paid. The order or agreement must be specific as the BAO is not empowered to make any decisions regarding the details of the order or agreement.
  • Form 3 – Request for Transfer from Unmatured Defined Contribution Planof the Family Relations Act. This form is completed by the spouse or former spouse of a member who would like to transfer their pension entitlement to their RRSP or RPP.

Request for transfer from unmatured DC Plan

Upon receipt of all the necessary forms from an eligible former spouse the Benefits Administration Office is required to send the Plan member, Form 6 – Notice of Receipt. This form informs the member that our office has received completed forms from the eligible former spouse, and that the Plan will be processing the transfer of funds.