CISVA AGM November 2017 – Closing Message from Most Reverend Archbishop Miller

The Forum – Teacher Representative Election – For Your Action

CISVA Forum – Teacher Representative Election 24 November 2017

The Forum is a formal advisory body that is mandated by the Board of Directors to provide insight and analysis on issues of significance to CISVA for consideration by the Board.  The current issue The Forum has been tasked with is the CISVA strategic priority of sustainability.  The term is for 3-years and will run until November 2020.  The Forum is composed of 12 members 3 of which are drawn from each the following constituencies: Pastors, Administrators, Education Committees, and Teacher Representatives.  Current teacher membership includes Rob Kirkham of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (term to 2018), and Kelly Kerrigan of St. Francis de Sales (who is the VCSTA Board rep). MORE… [link to details below]

Election Process

1).  Establishment of an Elections Committee (Deadline: Election Committee to be established by 10 November)

Step 1:  The school is to set up a 2-member Election Committee to oversee the election process at the school.  This Committee is responsible for promoting this election, collecting Nominations, sending such nominations to the Superintendent’s Office, after which the Superintendent’s Office will prepare the ballot for distribution to each school.  The Election Committee will ensure that the election itself takes place and is completed satisfactorily.

2).  Call for Nominations (Deadline for submission 17 November)

Eligibility to serve as a Teacher Representative to The Forum is open to all current CISVA teaching staff.  The attached Nomination Form needs to be completed by the prospective candidate and signed by one other current CISVA teacher.  Current is defined as actively employed at a CISVA school during the 2017-18 school year.

Step 2: Nominations are to be submitted to the school’s Election Committee, which will send the nominations to the Superintendent’s Office, which will prepare the ballot.  All Nominations are to be submitted to the Superintendent’s Office by 2 pm Friday 17 November.  Nominations received after this cut off will not be added to the ballot.

3).  Election (24 November)

Step 3The Superintendent’s Office will collate all Nominations and prepare the ballot for this election.  Ballots will be circulated to each school on or before 22 November.  The school’s Election Committee is asked to conduct the election on Friday 24 November between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm.  The ballot will be a secret ballot so the Committee must ensure that there is an area set side in the staff room to allow teaching staff to vote in private and submit their ballots in a secure and confidential way into a ballot box.  At the close of voting the Election Committee will then open the ballots and tabulate the results using the appropriate form and report these results back to the Superintendent’s Office.  All tabulated votes must reach the Superintendent’s Office by no later than 3 pm on 24 November.  Ballots received after this cut off will not be included.

4).  Election Results Announced (27 November)

Step 4:   The Superintendent’s Office will tabulate all election results received and will announce the winner (defined as the candidate that has received the most votes) on or before  Monday 27 November.

NOTE: All Nomination Forms and Election Results Reporting Forms are to be returned to Angelica Cacatian in the Superintendent’s Office at


Attached are the following:

1).  General Notice for this election

2). Nomination Form.  Each prospective candidate is to submit a short (no greater than 50 words maximum biography and reason for running for this office).  These shot bios will be included in the ballot.

3).  Copy of CISVA Policy 104 — Mandate and Structure CISVA Forum


Please note that ballots and the Election Results Reporting Form will be circulated separately once all the Nominations are in.

Questions:  Mike Donelson (